Emsculpt uses cutting-edge technology to tone your body and help eliminate fat. As Dr. Akhavan explains, the name Emsculpt is actually derived from the science behind the treatment. “The first two letters—the E and the M in Emsculpt—is the technology behind it,” Dr. Akhavan said. “It uses electromagnetic energy to get the muscles to contract in the area you're treating.” Dr. Akhavan added that the process is similar to how we contract our muscles naturally. ይቀጥላል: - "ሰውነታችን ከሚችሉት በላይ እስከዚያው ድረስ ይህንን ሂደት ያን ያህል ጠንካራ በሆነ ሁኔታ ይወስዳል" ብሏል. "ይህን የኤሌክትሮማግኔቲክ ጉልበት መጠቀም ጡንቻዎች ከፍተኛ ከፍ ያለ ውህደት የሚጠሩትን እንዲሰሩ ያደርጋቸዋል."